About Us
The Company
Michelle J Lambert, CPA LLC is a leading firm for providing accounting, payroll and tax services for Non-Profit, Government and For-Profit Agencies in Delaware. Our firm has a Delaware Charter School division that specializes in support services to charter schools in Delaware. Our goal is to provide exceptional service to maximize profitability and minimize taxes.

Michelle J. Lambert, CPA
Michelle J Lambert CPA is the Founder and Managing Principal of Michelle J Lambert CPA, LLC with responsibility for oversight and administration of public accounting and tax services. Michelle is a Delaware licensed Certified Public Accountant with extensive experience in non-profit, government and for profit accounting and tax services. Since starting the firm in 2004, she has applied her extensive experience in financial management to assist many clients in addressing their internal accounting and tax needs.
With over 12 years experience in the accounting and tax field, Michelle has worked in many diverse fields including tax, investment management, education, and government. Prior to starting Michelle J Lambert CPA, LLC, Michelle worked four years as a controller for an investment management firm. Michelle’s responsibilities included Responsible for firm administration including accounting, tax, regulatory compliance and human resources. Oversee accounting for five Low Income Housing Tax Credit Funds, two Venture Funds, Wealth Management Business, and the Management Company. Coordinate financial reporting , audits and tax returns for the above entities. Maintain relationships with outside accountants and investors. Michelle also worked for three years as a Senior Tax Associate for a public accounting firm.
Michelle earned her Bachelor of Science degree from Goldey-Beacom College. In recognition of her scholastic achievements she was selected for membership in Alpha Chi National Honor Society. She is affiliated with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Let’s Connect
1601 Concord Pike, Suite 62 Wilmington, DE 19803
Ms. Lambert’s professionalism, expertise, and personal attention to our organization has contributed greatly to our financial stability and exceeded our expectations of service. She has gone above and beyond for our organization and although she is a contacted service provider, we see her as part of our family.